
Products for category Products




Showing 26–50 of 120 results

  • AP4 ATEX Pneumatic Pumps

    The AP4 + Pneumatic Pump is a pneumatic pump used in landfills and remediation sites, specifically designed to withstand harsh conditions reliably and safely. These conditions include hydrocarbon remediation (LNAPL and dissolved phase), pumping of landfill leachate and methane condensate, solvent cleaning (dissolved phase and DNAPL), suspended solids, sediments, corrosives and high viscosities, along with high temperatures and frequent starts and stops.

    Available for rent

  • ATEX Electric Pumps

    ATEX submersible electric pumps are suitable for pumping both clean water to water polluted with hydrocarbons, leachate or other pollutants. Availability of ATEX accessories for pumping in areas with risk of explosiveness.

  • Autogenie active skimmers

    Genie® systems use a high-suction pump to draw free product through a floating inlet that tracks changes in liquid level in the well. This system is self-regulating and only needs one air supply point.

  • Basic kit for soil sampling

    The original AMS gas vapor probe was designed to extract vapor samples around underground fuel tanks or any container containing a volatile liquid that could potentially contaminate the ground if a leak occurs.
  • Biogas 5000 Analyser

    Portable ATEX infrared analyser for biogas, measures CH4, CO2, O2 and H2S.

  • Biomethane 3000

    The BIOMETHANE 3000, ATEX and IECEx certified, is designed for high accuracy methane and oxygen readings for biomethane applications. Designed for high accuracy methane and oxygen readings for biomethane applications, providing customers with the peace of mind that at first stage production, they will have quality readings above the 95% methane level and below the 1% oxygen level.

  • bombas-sq-sqe

    Bombas Grundfos

    Las bombas sumergibles Grundfos representan un avanzado diseño hidráulico y ofrecen alta eficiencia, gran resistencia a la arena y otros agentes abrasivos, protección frente al quemado destructivo del motor y fácil mantenimiento.

    Disponibles en alquiler

  • Bosch GBH 8-45 DV SDS-Max hammer drill

    The multipurpose hammer drill to carry out both gas and soil sampling in locations where the surface is very hard. Available on a rental basis. It has a carrying case.



  • Calibration bottles for measurement equipments

    Some field measurement equipment requires calibration to ensure correct readings, for example, PIDs to measure VOCs, explosimeters or gas analysers in landfills.

  • cromo-vi-rango-bajo-envirotecnics

    Checker Chromium VI

    Chromium is one of the elements that can be found in wastewater from a wide variety of industrial processes. Its toxicity depends on the oxidation state and concentration in which it is found, being of special importance the elimination of hexavalent chromium present in aqueous systems, as it is harmful to health.

  • Colloidal Borescope

    Characterizes groundwater flow velocity and identifies preferential flow zones.

  • Containers and drums for liquids

    Wide range of containers for the conservation and transport of samples or fluids.

  • datagrabber5 descarga de datos

    Datagrabber 5

    The Model 3001 DataGrabber 5 provides an inexpensive, and very portable option for Solinst datalogger users to download data directly to a USB flash drive key.

  • Digital cable and pipe locator

    Digital cable and pipe locator with depth indicator, data logger and self-diagnostic function.

    Indispensable tool for Occupational Risk Prevention Detector of metal pipes and cables, whose main objective is to help carry out excavations and surveys in the safest way.

  • Disposable bailers

    Disposable bailers in polyethylene, PVC or Teflon are simple and inexpensive devices that allow sampling in wells (groundwater) or tanks.

  • Disposable in-line filters

    Disposable in-line filters of .45 microns and 700 cm2 of filtration area for metal sampling. They are specifically designed for the preparation of groundwater samples for the analysis of dissolved metals and to filter large volumes of cloudy groundwater.

  • Disposable passive skimmers

    Disposable skimmers allow the absorption of floating water from wells or boreholes in a simple and economical way.

    Being composed of oleophilic and hydrophobic absorbent materials, they only absorb hydrocarbons. These skimmers are for single use, once saturated they should not be used again and should be managed in the appropriate waste.

  • Eijkelkamp peristaltic pump

    Peristaltic pump with internal battery that allows working in the field without the need for a power supply for 4,5h.

  • Emitter oxigen diffuser

    The Emitter is a simple, low-cost device to allow the controlled and uniform release of oxygen or other bioremediators to promote and maintain the growth of macro-organisms required for bioremediation of contaminated groundwater.

  • En Core Sampler for soil VOC sampling

    The disposable Core® Sampler is a device for collecting samples of VOCs in soil.

  • ENVIROactiv

    ENVIROactiv is a bio-stimulating or bio-activating solution composed of a combination of nutrients and surfactants, formulated to increase the metabolic activity of microorganisms and thus optimize the biodegradation of pollutants.

  • ENVIRObacter

    ENVIRObacter is a solid lyophilized product, containing millions of bacteria capable of carrying out the aerobic degradation of a wide range of hydrocarbons, including gasoline, diesel and crude oil.

  • ENVIROdeconit

    Non-ionic, mild and concentrated detergent. Powerful cleaner to remove lime deposits and mineral dirt. Ideal for remodelling operations on very dirty surfaces (pipes, tanks, extractors, etc.). Leaves stainless steel surfaces shiny.

  • fieldsink

    Environmental sampling station

    The patented FieldSink® Environmental Sampling Station is a portable system that offers hands-free sample collection and preparation in the field. It’s simple, yet innovative design revolutionizes the industry standard of tried and true low-flow and purge and sample methods. Engineered with sample integrity and quality control in mind, FieldSink® improves efficiency and safety while reducing waste.

  • ENVIROnutri

    ENVIROnutri is a bio-stimulant solution that contains nutrients that accelerate the growth and biological activity of indigenous soil microorganisms to support the biodegradation processes of contaminated soils.

Mostrando 26 - 50 de 120. Productos por página
Showing 26 - 50 of 120. Products per page