
Products for tag isco




Showing all 4 results

  • Activated sodium percarbonate

    Activated sodium percarbonate is an oxidizing agent used in in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) processes that destroys contaminants through powerful but controlled chemical reactions. This technology quickly and efficiently degrades pollutants (petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated compounds) through direct oxidation, as well as through the generation of a set of free radical compounds that in turn oxidize recalcitrant pollutants.

  • Activated sodium persulfate

    Activated Sodium Persulfate is an advanced in situ chemical oxidation reagent (ISCO) that destroys organic contaminants found in groundwater and soil through abiotic chemical oxidation reactions. It is an all-in-one product with a built-in catalyst that activates the sodium persulfate component and generates free radicals that destroy contaminants without the costly and potentially dangerous addition of a separate activator.

  • ISCO Reagent – Sodium Persulfate and Calcium Peroxide

    Chemical reagent used in ISCO processes and aerobic bioremediation in soils and groundwater that uses sodium persulfate and calcium peroxide as active components. The oxidant mixture enables short-term in situ chemical oxidation (ISCO) and provides electron acceptors for long-term biological oxidation.


  • Sodium permanganate

    Oxidizing agent used in ISCO processes in soils and groundwater that uses sodium permanganate as an active component. Sodium permanganate is a reagent with a wide range of action, especially effective in the treatment of highly persistent compounds such as chlorinated compounds (PCE, TCE). It does not generate degradation by-products in the gas phase.

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