Surfactant ENVIROkreosote

Surfactant ENVIROkreosote

ENVIROkresosote is a concentrated non-ionic surfactant compound with the ability to efficiently desorb and release creosote and other tar derivatives from subsoil.



ENVIROkreosote is a biodegradable and low toxicity surfactant, with a critical micellar concentration (CMC) of 13-15 mg / L, hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) of 15 and a pH range of 6.5 -7.5 that when applied in the subsoil, it reduces the surface tension of the water, improving the wetting capacity and its effective permeability in the solid matrix of poorly permeable soils, such as silty sand, silt and clay.


It is used in on-site processes, injecting the soil washing solution into the piezometers or for on-site soil washing. Its formulation based on food grade active components means that its application in the subsoil makes it easier for pollutants to be more miscible in the aqueous phase, which allows the mobilization of pollutants adsorbed in the matrix from the unsaturated zone to the saturated zone, increasing the concentration of pollution in the aquatic environment and allowing its elimination through mechanical processes such as pumping and treatment or through in situ treatment using oxidizing agents in chemical oxidation processes (ISCO).


The application of ENVIROkreosote is effective in the desorption and mobilization of the more than 200 compounds present in creosote and that includes polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAH) such as naphthalene or Benzo (a) pyrene.


  • It is a biodegradable and non-toxic product. No trace of the product persists after use.
  • Facilitates and improves on-site treatment processes, (eg pumping and treatment, biodegradation chemical oxidation / reduction, etc.).
  • Does not affect downstream water treatment systems (eg hydrocarbon separator, activated carbon filters, membrane filtration, biological treatments, etc.)
  • Reduces treatment time in processes combined with other technologies (eg chemical oxidation / reduction, bioremediation, pumping and treatment, etc.).
  • Works well on all types of soils (silty sands, silts, silty clays, clays and fractured rocks).


20 L bottle, 200L drums or 1.000L IBC..


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